Design & Technology (DT)
DT: Our Key Documents
Our Design & Technology Intent - The Roots of our DT Curriculum
Our DT curriculum intent is linked to our school values and sets out the core principles of our curriculum.
Our Design and Technology curriculum inspires children to use creativity and imagination to design and make products. Our children are able to share their work in a positive environment where they can evaluate their own and each other’s designs and creations and suggest where improvements can be made. Cooking and Nutrition provides opportunities to find out about where our food comes from.
We spark curiosity by teaching children new skills using different tools and materials to create products, this prompts passion and enthusiasm for Design and Technology. Children are encouraged to try their best and create meaningful products they are proud to share. Sharing their designs and their work provides the children with not only a sense of achievement but a foundation for the next step of their learning.
Our curriculum allows children a safe environment to try new things with a range of different materials, tools and techniques. We aim to provide our children with the opportunity to use their imagination to design and make products within a variety of contexts, to provide motivation and meaning to their learning and to build confidence.
We intend Design and Technology to be creative and practical and provide children with the chance to problem solve and develop their own creative ideas. We aim to equip our children with the skills and knowledge they need to develop their creative abilities building upon the skills learnt each year with opportunities to design, make and evaluate. Pupil voice is an important part of our curriculum allowing us to reflect upon our design and technology curriculum.
Working at Greater Depth
Children who are working at Greater Depth in DT, at the end of Key Stage 1, will be able to:
- Comment critically on the work and designs of designers.
- Evaluate and amend their work as they go to improve the final outcome.
- Make links between different designers and styles of work.
- Produce work with consistently high-quality presentation.
- Use tools in an efficient and confident way and show precision in their final piece/products.